Above is a screenshot of the Sinn Féin website which is @ sinnfein.ie .They have taken a drubbing at the local and European elections, losing 2 MEPs and host of councilors (81 now-out of previous 159) in the local elections. So what has gone wrong with Sinn Féin ??
They seem to have lost touch with their own voters or they have become disillusioned with Sinn féin. Don’t think Sinn féin’s stance on the Abortion referendum did them any good and was a “unnatural” position for Sinn féin to be in. Maybe toning down the women’s lib abit might help it doesn’t seem to a vote winner some how.
The main problem seems to be them failing to get their message across to voters or what Policies they stand (United Ireland obvious )for to voters. A quick perusal on the internet and this political party stands for Abortion, All Ireland Soccer teams and allowing the diaspora to vote in referendums (including a Border Poll) and Presidential elections. Two tier health systems which only serve the rich hardly get a mention, affordable housing for our young people another issue which needs to be dealt with, they are many others which might be a vote puller for them. You can see their polices at https://www.sinnfein.ie/policies
Their side of the fence is increasing crowded also with the independents sharing a lot of their polices and their points of view. So increasing competition is a fact of life. One thing that might help is if they stopped cozzing up to Fianna fail and Fine gael and put the booth into them instead … Fianna fail left the “state” almost bankrupt and largely squandered the boom, Fine gael on the other hand gives a $350 million maternity hospital to the nuns as “sole owners” and pays a whopping €1.7 plus billion for a children’s hospital that originally was to cost €450 million. These “cost overruns” show that you wouldn’t hire Fine gael to build your house at any time. Both establishment parties stand for two tier health systems, the rich paying the least and in a international downturn will encourage you to move somewhere else and that is just for starters. So there is a lot of work for Sinn fein to do if they want to avoid their usual manoeuvre of “one step forward followed by two steps back“. I actually have a lot of issues with this particular party but see a bigger picture for now anyway.