Here is a response from Nama on whether it is part of the National Debt (its not but still borrowed money that the taxpayer has to pay back) and how much have they got back of the €74 billion they borrowed to bail out the banks- they wouldn’t say but gave a link to a report on Nama which is here
It was confusing and didn’t answer the question, a more technical reader might understand it but I couldn’t make head nor tails of it.
Aug 12, 2019, 4:55 PM (13 days ago) | |||
Dear Gerard,
Thank you for contacting the National Asset Management Agency.
To answer your query, NAMA does not comprise part of the national debt. In fact, NAMA expects to return a surplus to the Exchequer in the region of €4 billion when it completes its work.
For further information on NAMA’s establishment and progress, you may wish to view a recent report undertaken by the Minister for Finance, available here.
Kind regards,
Mary Lawlor
Senior Communications & Public Affairs Manager