That’s a screenshot from the BBC website ( Cristina Criddle says that Santa’s grottos will be missed this year due to the Corona virus. This virus is certainly putting a damper on things in a major way. First it was St Patrick’s day , followed by Easter cancellations and then May day and so on, It is a tough year for those working in travel and tourism and the pub trade has taken a “hit” as well.This year will be remembered for the Corona virus and not much else .
Planned restrictions are possibly Christmas parties, pub crawls and New Years eve celebrations. Will pubs be allowed to Re-open one wonders ? It is unlikely that the virus is cleared out before Christmas . Will people be allowed to fly home for Christmas ? Measures like pre flight testing will have to be done or testing at the Airports will have to be brought in. Otherwise you are just reintroducing the virus again, Christmas looks like its going to be different this year