The Summer that was..

Well Summer is well gone at this stage but it was a different Summer to previous years in that we got a heatwave for a few weeks- temperature over 30 degrees celsius and a cloudy haze for the rest of the Summer. Farmers didn’t appreciate the dry spell as their crops wouldn’t grow without rain and many farmers are likely to post a big negative for the year.  Alot will depend on what kind of winter we get long/short, dry/wet and what kind of government aid is provided. Not a good year for farmers by any means.

On the other hand it was nice to get some good weather, you could go to the beach / Ballybunion and enjoy yourself though I am told the water was pretty cold. It was a relief that it wasn’t pounding rain all the time as previous years have done. Sometimes the “Summer” is as bad as the winter which is bad for people’s spirits, pockets though good for travel agents.

Hopefully the Summers will improve for us in the coming years. I live in hope.

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