Just having a look at the Irish times website and one story caught my eye – a sixty five year old man from Meath was found on the job with a prostitute in a brothel in west Dublin. Gardaí arrested the man in question and was subsequently fined €200 at a court in Dublin. The prostitute remained nameless under legislation passed in 2017 the so called “Nordic model”.
This legislation criminalise the “buying” of sex from prostitutes while the prostitute gets off scot free. So what is it ? I thought sex was a act between consenting adults with both parties being responsible. Seemingly now it is just the man who is to blame. The legislation seems to be enacted to please man hating feminists who seek to control others and want to reduce men to less than equal human beings while making them pay for it all.
They is a great deal of hypocrisy about Sex in this country, quite a lot of it from feminists, maybe they would do something constructive and shut up.